May Graduation is an Encouragement to New Moms

Many thanks to Alyssa Murdock for volunteering photography services for the event.

Many thanks to Alyssa Murdock for volunteering photography services for the event.

On Friday, May 17th, we celebrated with two of the amazing Fellowship Housing moms who are graduating from the program. Food was provided for the adults by Kiki Korkofigas’ small group and for the children by Nancy D'Anza’s small group. Childcare was provided (for all 38 kids ranging from ages 1 to 18!!) by Denise Nichols and volunteers from her Willow Creek Community Church section group with all kinds of crafts, movies and games. Additional childcare help was provided by some previously graduated Fellowship Housing moms and their children, who were incredibly excited for the opportunity to return and serve the current Fellowship families. The incredible work of these graduating moms over the last two years is now paying off, and they couldn't have done it without your support. 

Here's what they had to say about their time at Fellowship Housing…

"Before Fellowship I was married for 17 years before separating... we struggled financially and the relationship wasn't healthy for a long time. I lived in a women's shelter for 4 months before moving into Fellowship Housing. Since living at Fellowship my life has become a lot more stable and I have been able to become closer with my children. I would like to say thank you to the Fellowship Housing program for all their support and even having a program that is available to women like this because I don't know where my family and I would have ended up without it."


"My life before Fellowship was a mess. We lived in a friend's house where we rented bedrooms or with the father of my baby where there was a lot of emotional abuse and fighting. I had no budgeting skills... I had no support system. I heard about Fellowship Housing by myself one night that I was desperately searching for any assistance. There it was right at the top of my search and I thought to myself, "This program seems too good to be true." Being in Fellowship Housing has helped me immensely. I am leaving the program with zero debt which I could have never imagined possible and my credit score being in the 700's... I feel so much weight has left my shoulders."

Of course the graduations are a time of reflection and celebration for these moms who are ready to move on to independent living. But what you may not know is the graduations are also an incredible encouragement to the moms who are just getting started. 

Eight new moms have been welcomed into the program since the last graduation in November 2018. They've moved their families into one of our apartments and can now rest assured they have stable housing for the next two years. This allows them to focus on building relationships with their family advocates, learning the budgeting processes, and creating new financial habits SO THAT they can accomplish their long-term objective of independent living and building a new legacy for their children. It is daunting as they begin to tackle giant goals of zero debt, saving for their future and raising their credit score. Hearing encouragement from the graduating moms as they share their own stories is an incredible gift. One of the graduating moms said, "My advise to all my mommies out there is: Believe in yourself. You can reach and do anything that you set your mind to. And trust and believe that Fellowship Housing will change your life forever for you and your family." 

One new mom reflected to her advocate the next day…

"The graduation on Friday was such a wonderful event. Both stories [from the graduating moms] touched my heart deeply and even brought a few tears to my eyes. The food was PHENOMENAL!!!  Being around the other moms almost feels like they are becoming family!"

Thank you for all the ways you support the moms of Fellowship Housing, making it possible for them to hear these stories of encouragement and believe IT IS POSSIBLE for them to build a new legacy for their family!

Courtney Burton